Facebook Releases New Report on Key Trends to Watch in 2019
Facebook has released a new, 33-page report which identifies key trends that have seen significant increases in discussion volume in 2018, and look set to become more significant focal points in the next year.

The '2019 Topics and Trends' report uses the same research methodology as Facebook's monthly “Topics to Watch” and “Hot Topics” reports, in which Facebook's researchers highlight topics of conversation that have seen consistent growth and engagement.
"When researching the validity of these findings, we uncovered other rising conversations that supported these connections, indicating larger trends emerging in culture. Our findings are backed by Facebook IQ audience and vertical studies and third-party research."
The full report is free to access, and is definitely worth a look, providing a range of insights and data trends which may help guide your digital marketing approach.
Read more: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-releases-new-report-on-key-trends-to-watch-in-2019/544121/
Original source: https://www.socialmediatoday.com